
Welcome, Husband

We interrupt our regularly scheduled post to alert the seven regular readers of this blog that indeed, the earth has spun on its axis. The H actually read my blog today, and dare I say it, I heard him laughing. He also mentioned that it's a little depressing and that he's not sure he comes off so well. I say to you all, there's nothing I say about him here that I wouldn't say to his face--only the timing might differ a bit. So bid my striking spouse welcome, and share my awe that he finally paid attention. (I jest--but only a little.)


Anonymous said...

I LOVE your recent posts... I had fallen behind (and you are generally a bit more... sporadic...) and there was so much here. Hooray for NaBloPoMo. Your writing has a spontaneous and irreverent air and just lifted my day. The au pairs... where is the agency in all this?? I miss you, and hope to talk real time.

Alto2 said...

Hello to the striking spouse. He could mine the blogosphere for some creative spark. How goes the nanny search?