
Day 5 of NaBloPoMo

So it's only my 4th post. It's still a hell of a lot more frequent than I usually manage, and no snide remarks, please, about regularity. Not in the mood.

No progress to speak of on the au pair front, though thanks to Sitemeter, I discovered that the Czech Flake does seem to check my blog obsessively. "Of course she does," said my best buddy. "She wants to see if you're writing about her." Ok, there you go. Now stop coming by. I'm done; there's nothing here for you.

Meanwhile, I am interviewing about a million 20 somethings by email and growing increasingly zen about the whole thing. B today noticed that I was in a "really good mood" (which just shows you how dark it must have been around here the last few weeks) in spite of it all. I realized that the really good mood was occasioned not simply by my giving up chilling out about the au pair drama, but by my husband performing the hated afternoon drive to pick up the kids...I had a whole afternoon to sort piles of old bills in my so-called office. You cannot imagine the joy, as I contemplated actual filing (remember the Freedom Filer post?) instead of shamed hurling of unopened envelopes into stylish fabric storage bins. Now if I could only get my tax info pulled together found, all would be right with the world.


Mieke said...

Holy Moly. I feel lucky, oh so lucky, so lucky and gay!!! I could sing all day at the frequency of these post. I have been thinking about you a lot.

Go for an older au pair. Someone 21 or older - they are always better. We've never gone younger than 24.

It's late so I must go to bed before he who never adjusts to the time change wakes me in the predawn hours for "tummy time."

I miss you. I have loved all of our conversations and all of your posts. Between them both, it feels like you are right - here.

Alto2 said...

When you're done with your tax compilations, come down here to Florida and do mine. I'm with Mieke: happy, happy to see you writing so much and go for an older nanny. BTW, did you see that The Need To Feed does have an RSS button?