
Organize your bad selves--it's time for a prize!

Ok, this is silly, but what the hell. It's the blogosphere, I can do whatever I damn please.

Remember my vow of better birthday remembrance? And how it's been helped along by entering loved ones' b-days into my special little red book?

Well, unpacking yet another box (yes, we moved a year ago. Let's not discuss that right now) I found some extras of the red book; it was something I gave as a little present at Christmas a couple of years ago, so I bought a bunch of them and ended up with leftovers.

The first two people to comment and ask for one of these little cuties can have one--I'll mail it off, maybe even promptly. Here's the catch--you can't already be my friend (you know who you are.) You have to either be someone I don't know at all, or someone I've been long, long out of touch with (let's set that line of demarcation at 15 years--how's that?)

(Am I trying to force some of you out of your lurky ways? Perhaps. But why not?)


Beth Nelsen said...

We've never met and I may have commented on your blog once or twice. I started reading your blog because of NaBloPoMo. A post about Hudson caught my eye (my in-laws have a house in Athens). :) I've been reading your blog ever since (including during the writer's strike!).

Paige said...

Ok Beth, you are the first lucky receipient. Just email your address to me at porloff at gmail dot you know what and I'll bounce it off to you! Thanks for revealing yourself, and it's nice to know that my sucky performance in NaBlo was good for something! Hope you'll stick around....

Anonymous said...

Okay --

how about Richard Brewer... has it been fifteen years since I saw you or was last in contact? hmmm probably more like ten which would disqualify me. Never mind.
Ken Cosci says to say Hi.