
Meet the Boys

That's Dacos, a thoroughbred ex-racer, on the left, and Sebastian, a Lippizaner, below.
Does anyone have any opinions about whether or not they should come and live with us? I'm taking votes.


Alto2 said...

They're beautiful animals, but they should continue living where they are.

ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND? You have a husband, two children, a farm with chickens and veggies and who-knows-what-else; you want to write; you do write; you want to integrate better with your new community. Why do you need horses? [btw, I love horses.]

rebecca said...

I will be selfish and say yes, so me and my kids can ride. Just hire a hot stablehand!

Nicie said...

Would you be taking full responsibility for them? If so, I would be cautious, especially since you mentioned earlier, I believe, that these are green or have issues (off the track is a huge issue -- is he right off the track?).

I like the idea of you getting involved with a high quality local barn and really learning their ropes, before taking this on solo.

There is a lot to horse care, experience counts, and it's pretty much a 24 x 7 enterprise. For example, most people I know who have their own at home are up at 5:30-6 am whatever the weather, and wouldn't think of going to bed without a (second or third) final barn check. Even if someone is coming in to work with them, you are still saddled (pardon the pun) with that core respsonsibility.

Sorry to be a wet blanket, and maybe I don't understand the proposed setup.

Nicie said...

they are beautiful, and I'd be tempted too. sigh ....

Unknown said...

A Horse! A horse. My kingdom for a horse, or two. If the entire household is game, then of course you should take them in - so long as everyone lends a hand in caring for them, particularly the kids as they get older. If everyone will enjoy them, but you'll be the sole caretaker, then that's a different consideration. They look great.

Elizabeth Hess said...

They are really handsome. I see why you have fallen hard for these two guys. True, horses are forever. But that's what makes it a grand commitment. Can't take horses back to LA. So, guess you'll have to stay here forever. You know my vote!!!
(What will happen to them if you don't take them?)

Mieke said...

Talk to Francesca. She'll give you an honest assement about which horses to get and also the work involved. I would personally get a Fjord for the kids.